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Newsletter #2: The 'hack' edition

 Reading Time:  4 min 14 sec 

Readability: Grade 3 (my kid is in Grade 1.... this is me staying ahead )

Welcome to this week's newsletter

Got tons of feedback on last week's newsletter:

100% GOLD!!!!  Just sent you a friendship bracelet 

This is the ONLY newsletter for Amazon sellers that want to use TikTok....

so let's go Alice.... down the rabbit-hole...

In this edition:

  1. TikTok is unstoppable: Look at these stats... you need to take action

  2. My favourite TikTok Ad for Amazon: It's all about the pain points... 

  3. NFT's + Shopify +TikTok =   : Create your own NFT, blow up on TikTok.....

  4. TikTok comment hack: How to make your TikTok content answer questions and engage the audience

  5. I ran over 500 TikTok ads: What worked and what I learnt....

TikTok is unstoppable

(Kinda like my wife if I forget the dishes  )

Those 2 articles show how TikTok is a disruptor...

For example, I recently ran a TikTok ads campaign where we had 1,000 clicks over a 10 day period.... we used Attribution to track the links.

So the ads were a failure as we only had one sale from the 1,000 clicks....


that 10 day period was their best selling period for the past 18 months....

TikTok buyer mentality is different.... they may not click on the ad or video, but they are likely to open Amazon in a different browser and view the product (PPC peeps need to use this to their advantage....).

And if Amazon sees a flurry of TikTok traffic.... brands normally experience the 'halo effect'

Try this ad NOW....

Why it works:

  • the speaker commentates over the video

  • They tell the viewer want to look for (remember, TikTok users are lazy.... you must 'spoon-feed them'.... yes you need to wear the parenting hat)

How you can use it:

  • Let's assume you sell 'Baby Blankets'

  • A video of a baby sleeping and cuddling the blanket

  • The mother then tells the viewers why the baby loves it

  • Each bullet point on your Amazon listing can be a discussion point she can point out.

  • You can pick on competitors, create intrigue, give best tips on using the product, etc

NFT's + Shopify +TikTok =   : Create your own NFT, blow up on TikTok.....

I don't want to be that guy....

You know... the crypto guy

And I know nothing about crypto... in fact, I sold all my crypto a few years ago to pay rent.

So I generally observe anything crypto with slight curiousity

We know that TikTok has a ton of crypto experts....

In fact, TikTok crypto advice is one of the biggest scams currently going on.


That means TikTok users are interested in crypto.

So what about this:

  1. You spend a ton of cash promoting your brand on TikTok

  2. Every person that follows your profile can get your token/NFT/coin

  3. Once they are in your funnel, reward them with a PLATINUM membership.... if they buy your product on Amazon (possibly give a review.... that's naughty), they can get bigger discounts and deals on the Shopify store.

Right now, it's so easy to build a following on TikTok..... it won't be this cheap for long..

Not sure if this is even a good idea

But there is an opportunity there......

TikTok comment hack: How to make your TikTok content answer questions and engage the audience

Why I love it:

  • Answering comments is a great way to grow your TikTok profile

  • But you need to reply to the right comments.... that is the hard part

  • Now you can create a TikTok overlay that displays a comment that you create.

How to use it:

  • Look at your Amazon listing bullet points.... if you did a good job (you did right?), then they will be in "Feature-Benefit" format

  • Use those features as comments overlays

  • Look at your reviews.... they are all 'pain points' that can be comments

  • Outright, have a comment saying "Is your product better that [insert competitor's name]?" (thats a gutsy move....and if you do it please let me know)

I ran nearly 500 TikTok ads: What I learnt....

Ugly sells: I have spent a fortune on creating epic an engaging content... yet some kid with a phone creates a 10 sec video that out performs all the content.

Perfection is your problem: TikTok is about QUANTITY, NOT QUALITY

The truth is.....

You don't know what content will convert for your brand, and nor do we...

The only way to know is to test loads of videos and ads.

I mean, what's the worst that can happen?

You spend a ton on ads but don't see any results? Using that mindset you would still be crawling... you didn't just walk out of the womb.. you had to learn how to walk... same here... you need to learn what content converts for your brand....

There is no secret-sauce or hack.... simply get your products in the hands of TikTok creators and then boost their content through TikTok ads.

It's that easy... it won't be for long though 

That's it for this week 

Thanks for reading.

- Paul

PS... Do you want to run some TikTok campaigns? Just reply to this email and let me know (we are currently running 20 TikTok campaigns and will be opening spots soon)

PPS. Please share and make this email is added to your INBOX to ensure its seen by more people like you


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