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  • Rankster Newsletter #28: My favourite hook and Shadow Banning 😱

Rankster Newsletter #28: My favourite hook and Shadow Banning 😱

The weekly newsletter that teaches the Amazon gurus something new every week..... pity we don't teach ethics 😱**ouch**

How we can help you:

In this edition:

  • 3 STAR VS 4 STAR REVIEWS...... $300k fine for misleading buyers (Show me ONE seller that has not done this 😞)

  • LEMON8 COULD BE A GAMECHANGER....  Are you gong to be left behind?

  • SHADOW BANNING....  What it means and how to address it

  • ARE YOU THE LAST PERSON TO KNOW THIS?....  My favourite TikTok hook


With a $300k fine for misleading buyers (Show me ONE seller that has not done this 😞)

So here is the thing......

Back when incentivised reviews were allowed, I forced every family member to leave a review saying how the product changed their lives.

Needless to say, I got a bunch of 1 star reviews 🤬 and now my wife threatens me "Do the dishes or I am giving your product a 1 star review".

But reviews are important as research shows that a product with a 3-star review has 67% less chance of being purchased than one with a 4-star review.

And for the first time, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) fined a business for faking reviews to make it appear like they are better rated than they actually were.

The punishment? $300k. Ouch.

How are you getting around it?

One method (this is against TOS... but I bet you will read it anyway 😉) :

  1. Use the Invite Links on the TikTok Creator Marketplace

  2. Send them the brief

  3. Get them to buy the product (rebate 😱)

  4. Have them to create a TikTok video about your product

  5. They can post the video in their profile of they can post it as a review on product page

  6. You can even pay them through the TikTok Creator Marketplace

Remember, Amazon and TikTok won't share data.... so if you are running rebates on the TikTok Creator Marketplace... it's kinda stealth 👊

Edited from StackedMarketer


Are you gong to be left behind?

I mentioned Lemon8 last week....

Maybe it's my "shiny - object" syndrome

But if Instagram and Pinterest had a baby, it would be Lemon8.

It launched in March and got 17 million downloads.

It's trending in Southeast Asia and if it follows its' sister TikTok's trajectory then....

It will be the "new big thing" very shortly...

Check it out and tell us what you think.


What it means and how to fix it

📰 TL;DR - Have you ever noticed your TikTok account sometimes has wayyyyyyy fewer views in a given week than the weeks prior? Then they magically go back up the next week? You were likely the victim of a Tik Tok shadow ban! Some interesting new reporting found that these shadow bands happen for one of 4 reasons:

  1. Posting adult content - Tik Tok does not nudity or pornography or sexually explicit content on its platform (obviously)

  2. Bullying or Harassment - Because the platform is really big on inclusivity they take hateful behavior very seriously

  3. Copyright Infringement - Tik Tok has a zero-tolerance policy for publishing other’s copyrighted content so refrain from posting any movie clips or songs you don’t have the right to

  4. By Accident - The most common one from what we have seen! They rely on automated moderation to see if all videos on the platform violate their Community Guidelines so the report don’t always get it right

💡 Insight - If your videos won’t upload or they are stuck in the “processing” phase for a while… This new report walked through how to get your account un-shadow-Banned. Follow these steps:

  1. Delete your flagged content or anything stuck in “processing” limbo

  2. Check their Community Guidelines to see exactly how your content might have tripped up their system

  3. Don’t start posting 10X more! Lots of users take a decrease in views as a sign they need to start posting a bunch more but this is an even bigger red flag to Tik Tok


My favourite TikTok hook

I hate being the last to know.....

My biggest fear in life, is if my daughter is the last to know about Santa (true story).... 'cos no one wants to be the last to know 😞

(but I also don't want her to be the first of her friends to know and then she will be known as 'that' kid that spreads it... tough balancing act 🤔)

And that's why I think this hook is genius:

Am I the last person on Earth to find out that (Niche subject / topic)?

Here it is in action:

Examples to use:

  1. Am I the last person on Earth to find out that (this brand is the best on Amazon?)

  2. Am I the last person on Earth to find out that (these garlic presses are the BEST on Amazon?)

  3. Am I the last person on Earth to find out that (you can get this for free if you message the brand?)

That's it for this week 👊

Thanks for reading.

Any questions or comments, let me know 😉

- Paul


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