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  • Newsletter #55: TikTok's Search dominance... use it wisely šŸš€

Newsletter #55: TikTok's Search dominance... use it wisely šŸš€

Reading Time: 4 min XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX This Weekā€™s Ad Spend: $2,568

Readability: Grade 3 (If this keeps up, I'll be a preschool valedictorian šŸ„‡)

The weekly newsletter thatā€™s like Ross and Rachel's relationship... 'We were on a break' from boring content šŸ“ŗ."

Season 4 Break GIF by Friends

In this edition:

  • šŸš€ TIKTOK SEARCH SURGE.... Blowing Up Amazon Searches! šŸ’Ø

  • šŸ¢ TIKTOK SLOWS... Blame the Shop? šŸ›ļø

  • šŸ§Ŗ AMAZON EXPERIMENTS.... Goldmine of data

  • šŸ” TIKTOK SEARCH DOMINANCE... Google Who? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

Letā€™s get startedā€¦ā€¦ 


Blowing Up Amazon Searches! šŸ’Ø

GIF by Twice

What happens to the Amazon search volume when you send a ton of TikTok traffic to your Amazon listings?

  • We ran 6 months of TikTok Ads for this brand

  • It was indexed for 8 keywords in Brand Analytics (the real search volume database)

  • After the promotionsā€¦.. it was indexed for 18 terms and an increase to search volumes

Need some more proof? Here is another brandā€¦..

And another brandā€¦..

One more brand for good measureā€¦.

Moral of the story:

Being featured on TikTok increases the search volume on Amazon for your brand.

I spoke to one of the biggest TikTok agencies the other dayā€¦.. they donā€™t run ads on TikTok but said the more content they put out, the more sales and SEO boost they get on their Shopify site.

The TikTok effect is huge šŸš€ 

Want to increase your Amazon salesā€¦.. focus on TikTok šŸ‘Š.

In all the cases above, there was an increase in salesā€¦.. I am putting together an in-depth case study discussing everythingā€¦ look out for that.

šŸ¢ TikTok Slows

Blame the shop? šŸ›ļø

i blame you ap bio GIF by NBC

Bewareā€¦. tons of reports say TikTok is slowing down.

Letā€™s look at the facts:

  • TikTok has 1.4 billion active users whereas TikTok Shop only has 6 million monthly users (230% growth since launching).

  • Users are complaining about being bombarded with creators trying to sell goods

  • Growth may have slowedā€¦.. but users still prefer TikTok

TikTok is still in its infancy and of all the platforms that have added a shopping element (Instagram, Facebook, Google, etc)ā€¦.. TikTok Shop is winning šŸš€ .

TikTok Shop may failā€¦.. but if it doesnā€™t, the early adopters will benefit (kinda like crypto in the early days).

In summary, TikTok is the ā€˜cockroachā€™ that canā€™t be squashedā€¦.

  • Senate triedā€¦.. FAILED āŒ

  • The EU triedā€¦.. FAILED āŒ

  • US States triedā€¦.. FAILED āŒ 

As Amazon sellers who deal with chinese hijackers on a daily basisā€¦.. they wonā€™t stopā€¦. neither will TikTok.


A Goldmine of data

Gold Rush GIF by Discovery

If you are looking to improve your Amazon listingsā€¦.. Mindful Goods is your secret weapon.

They recently published a report on their Amazon Experiments (Daniella if you are reading this, my apologiesā€¦.. your results are too good not to share).

Here are a few nuggets from the article:

Was there an increase in orders? YES!

What about revenue? YES!

Imagine if you had Mindful Goods recreate your listings and then flooded it with TikTok trafficā€¦.. itā€™s like printing money šŸš€ 

Check out Mindful Goodsā€¦.. thank me later šŸ‘Š


Google Who? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

You Can Do It Marketing GIF by Similarweb

Itā€™s official, If you are using Google for searchā€¦. YOU ARE OLD!!!

Stacked Marketer put it like this:

Just in case you havenā€™t got itā€¦.. TikTok could mean more exposureā€”and customersā€”for your brand.

That's it for this week šŸ‘Š

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- Paul

PS.... Keep an eye on your inbox, a number of announcements are coming šŸ‘Š


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