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  • Boost Your Amazon Sales with TikTok Traffic

Boost Your Amazon Sales with TikTok Traffic

How to send TikTok traffic to Amazon

I wrote this article for one reason:

To make you smarter than all the other Amazon sellers.

By the end, I guarantee you will know more than anyone else.

‘Cos every Amazon seller meet-up is a ‘glorified ego contest’… every speaker tries to impress you (have they ever been sellers?), and every service provider tells you why you need them (you don’t).

Next time you go to an Amazon meetup, you can bask in the glow of your awesomeness because you will know more than everyone else.

That's my goal for this article… I want your confidence to soar… I want to give you an ego boost.

ego inflating GIF by Jon Newman

What do I know?

Honestly……Not much.

Season 9 Nbc GIF by The Office

I still feel like that newbie seller from ASM1 (if you know what that means, you've been around a long time… grandpa).

But I have done a few things… created two Amazon agencies, developed three software tools for Amazon sellers, launched five Amazon brands and worked in four aggregators (they are no longer around… surprised?).

All these projects focused on one thing:

Sending external traffic to your Amazon listings.

In summary, I speak from experience, which often involves failure. Amazon sellers fail; that’s what we do… but we get back up.

In terms of TikTok, I've been driving TikTok traffic to Amazon listings for over three years and have managed more than 300 campaigns.

Step #1: You need content

Before you entertain this strategy, you will need some content.

It can be any video showcasing your product/brand.

Don’t overthink this…..just get it done.

You have options, use one of these platforms to create content:

🥷 Ninja Tip

ALWAYS have the creator or influencer mention, “Get it on Amazon now, search [BRAND NAME][KEYWORD].”

For example: “Get it on Amazon now, search TopChef Kitchen Knives.”

TikTok users may never click on your video, but if you have 10 engaging videos that mention [BRAND NAME][KEYWORD], make sure to retarget all the viewers.

TikTok users are like lemmings; if they see one video showing a product, they are likely to forget it. But if they see 10 videos all mentioning it, they will check it out on Amazon to see what all the fuss is about.

Now that you know how users will find your products and how they are going to search, focus on your PPC campaigns to target this keyword phrase (use standard ‘PPC defensive campaigns’ as your brand name is included).

This is the power of retargeting… the user thinks the product is going viral because everyone is discussing it, but in truth, you made them think that.

Step #2: Create Deep links

99% of Amazon sellers make this mistake: they use normal Amazon links in their ads and posts.

Which is great….. if you are on a desktop 🤬 .

If you are using your phone (like 99% of TikTok users), it will open the mobile browser. But most users are not logged into Amazon on their browser, and once they log in, they will have lost the link and search criteria.

Deep Links open the app by default…… not the browser.

You want this because most users are logged into the Amazon app.

This eliminates a ton of friction.

The only 2 deep linking software I use:

I could write an in-depth case study about this, but you don’t need that.

It takes 30 seconds to create these links.

Set them up now….. thank me later.

Step #3: Create Ads

You need to aim for Organic reach and Paid reach.

How to obtain Organic Reach

  • Hire an influencer with an engaged community or a large following.

  • Create an eye-catching video that people want to share (remember, TikTok is primarily an entertainment platform).

Paid Reach

  • Use all content as an ad.

  • If the influencer gives you their “Spark Code,” you can use their content via TikTok ads. (Spark Ads are incredibly effective and the only type of ads we run).

🥷 Ninja Tip

Use ‘Anchors’ from the TikTok Creator Marketplace, as you can display your link as a pinned comment in the comments section.

Since you are using deep links, you can change the destination of the links. If a post performs well, you can send the traffic to your landing page or website without changing the ad or post.

Step #4: Reporting……. Was it successful?

Confused Rooster Teeth GIF by Achievement Hunter

This is the most frustrating part because Amazon makes tracking near impossible.

You cannot track the data at a granular level….. you need to measure it at a macro level…. a Bird’s Eye View approach.

There are only 3 metrics worth tracking:

#1 Amazon Attribution

Amazon has told you that you can earn 10% back for every sale…… LIES

Amazon has told you the Attribution Links can be trusted…… LIES

Amazon is not your friend…… TRUTH

When sending traffic from TikTok to your Amazon listings, Attribution links are as reliable as your ex 🤬.

Don’t believe me?

Example #1

We sent over 30k Attribution clicks through Deep links and never had a single sale. Snapshot of one of the Attribution links

Example #2

Notice how the Deep Link clicks do not correlate with the Attribution clicks

Example #3

Even going viral did not help

Example #4

We know the campaigns increase sales….. but Attribution does not help

Even when using Attribution links through Deep links….. it has no effect.

Amazon Attribution simply does not work when TikTok is involved.

I have data from over 300 campaigns backing this up.

I want people to challenge me on this statement… especially Amazon. I want to know why these links do not work when the traffic originates from TikTok.

However, even though I don’t believe in Amazon Attribution, I still use it.…. because there is the occasional campaign that works. I don’t know how or why, but some brands have better success. Like this one:

This is very rare and I cannot reproduce it…. I have tried 🤬 

#2 Amazon Traffic

Track these KPI’s on your Amazon listing:

  • Sessions

  • Sales

  • Conversion Rate

To get a better understanding, you need to compare 2 periods: when TikTok ads were running VS a period where they weren’t:

I see this in almost all of our campaigns, when TikTok ads are run we see an increase in Sales, Sessions and Conversion Rate.

We know it works….. but you need to examine all the metrics, not just one.

Most Amazon sellers do not track the data….. you are not like most Amazon sellers 👊.

#3 Amazon Search Terms

As mentioned, you need to have videos that mention [BRAND NAME][KEYWORD].

TikTok is a ‘brand awareness’ platform…. when users see it on TikTok, they will search for it on Amazon. That’s why we need to tell them how to find it on Amazon.

Once you run a TikTok Ad campaign, make sure to check your Brand Analytics to see if you have increased the Search on Amazon.

🥷 Ninja Tip

TikTok is the only platform that allows you to manipulate the Search on Amazon.

A well crafted video opens a ton of opportunities:

- Increase your Amazon Storefront Followers by stating in the video “Follow this brand to get secret deals sent to you”…… then use the Amazon platform to message them.

- Take out your competitors….. when using [BRAND NAME][KEYWORD], it does not have to be your brand. You can use TikTok to index your product on your competitor’s keywords and brand name.

In Summary

If TikTok traffic is the “Blue Ocean”….. you get to be the Shark 🦈.

Tracking and analyzing your metrics is crucial to understanding the success of your campaigns.

Very few Amazon brands run these types of campaigns….. which is why you need to stay ahead of the masses.

We are edging closer to an omni-channel approach and TikTok is your golden ticket.

At the next Amazon meet-up, sprinkle these strategies and don’t forget to:

Bryan Cranston Mic Drop GIF


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